Photo of Cedric

Cedric Scheerlinck

PhD Candidate
The Australian National University

Address: Brian Anderson Building, A301
115 North Rd
Acton 2601

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Bio: I completed my Master of Engineering (Mechanical) at the University of Melbourne in 2016. In 2015 I worked as a research assistant in the Fluid Dynamics lab at Melbourne before completing an exchange semester at ETH Zurich. My final year Master's thesis was a combined project with the University of Melbourne and The Northern Hospital, performing computational fluid dynamics studies on patient-specific coronary arteries.

In 2017 I commenced my PhD in Robotic Vision under the supervision of Rob Mahony at the ANU. My PhD topic is the development of novel optical flow algorithms capable of running in real-time for high-speed robotics applications. I am currently pursuing this research using event cameras, which are bio-inspired vision sensors with microsecond temporal resolution.

Here is a link to my CV


Google Scholar

Artery ESS C. Scheerlinck, C. Mamon, T. Zahtila, W. Nguyen, E. Poon, V. Thondapu, C. Chin, S. Moore, P. Barlis and A. Ooi.
Effect of Medical Imaging Modalities on the simulated blood flow through a 3D reconstructed stented coronary artery segment.
20th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference 2016. [PDF]
2 Poon, E., Thondapu, V., Chin, C., Scheerlinck, C., Zahtila, T., Mamon, C., Nguyen, W., Ooi, A. and Barlis, P.
Computational fluid dynamics comparisons of wall shear stress in patient-specific coronary artery bifurcation using coronary angiography and optical coherence tomography.
In APS Meeting Abstracts 2016. [Link]