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Contact Information - Peter Strazdins

Contact Information - Peter Strazdins

Peter's office is on the second floor of the north wing of the CSIT Building at ANU, room CSIT N217, x55140. It is within the (secured) Computer Systems area. He can be emailed at:

He can be reached by normal mail / phone at:

Peter Strazdins
ANU School of Computing
ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science
CSIT Building 108, North Rd
Australian National University
Canberra, ACT, 2601, AUSTRALIA
Phone: +61 2 6125 5140
Fax: +61 2 6125 0010

Universal Resource Locator: http://cs.anu.edu.au/~Peter.Strazdins


  • Ad-Hoc Consultations may be in-person (at office) or on-line (Zoom). Please make an appointment (offer at least 3 timeslots that suit you).
  • to gain entry in the Computer Systems area in CSIT Level 2, please call my extension on x55140 when you arrive. If approaching from the west, there is an internal ANU phone handset at the west entrance to the area. If approaching from the east, handsets are in the CSIT student foyer (level 1) or just outside the main CSIT entrance.

Last modified: 1/07/2021, 23:38