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Short Biography - Peter StrazdinsQualifications: B. Sc. (Wollongong, 1984), B. Math. (Wollongong, 1984), MSc (Oxon, 1985), PhD (Computer Science, ANU, 1990), Grad Cert HE (ANU, 2007)Since 1990, Peter has been with the Research School of Computer Science at Australian National University, where he is currently an Associate Professor. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA). He was closely involved with the ANU-Fujitsu CAP Parallel Computing Project over the years 1990 - 2002, and was its Research Leader over the last 3 years. Since then, he has been involved in collaborative projects with Sun Microsystems Laboratories, Intel Corporation, Platform Computing and Fujitsu Laboratories Europe. His research interersts include parallel numerical & communication algorithms and libraries, computer architecture and operating systems for high performance computers, middleware for cluster and grid computers and computer simulation, performance analysis and fauilt-tolerant computing. They also extend to Computing Education and Green Computing.
Last modified: 22/10/2015, 03:41
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