This is the license for the software package Nauty and Traces, package versions 2.6r3 and later. Five categories of software are included in the package: A. All files not listed as B-E below, copyright Brendan McKay (1984-) B. Files traces.h, traces.c and dretodot.c, copyright Adolfo Piperno (2008-) C. File watercluster2.c and genposetg.c, copyright Gunnar Brinkmann (2009-) D. Files planarity.h and planarity.c, copyright Magma project. E. Files nautycliquer.h and nautycliquer.c, copyright to Sampo Niskanen and Patric Östergård. F. Much of file nauchromatic.c, copyright Gordon Royle. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is included in the package and can also be viewed at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Brendan McKay: Australian National University; Adolfo Piperno: University of Rome "Sapienza"; Gunnar Brinkmann: University of Ghent; Magma Administration: University of Sydney; Patric Ostergard: Aalto Univerity; ---END-OF-FORMAL-COPYRIGHT-NOTICE--- Earlier (pre-2.6) versions of this package carried a different notice: "Permission is hereby given for use and/or distribution with the exception of sale for profit or application with nontrivial military significance." These days most people use nauty via a larger package such as Magma, Sage, or GAP, and often they don't even know they are using nauty. Due to the legal nonsense that large package distributors need to worry about, it has proved too much trouble to maintain an idiosyncratic licence. I didn't change my opinion about military use, but it is no longer part of the formal notice. Brendan McKay (Jan 20, 2016)