PUBLIC STATEMENT As is known to many, I am in the process of redoing and confirming the cities experiment that I had done several years ago. Several individuals informed me that the list of cities, as provided to me by Zvi Inbal, had many mistakes in them that were designed to make the results appear artificially significant. I take such claims very seriously and decided to conduct a thorough investigation of every aspect of the city selections and spellings. That investigation is extremely detailed and is not yet complete. As a result, I will not make any public statement of the outcome of that investigation until my study is completed. This unwillingness to speculate on an outcome of an investigation while it is still ongoing has prompted some people to interpret that as evidence that I am no longer convinced that the Torah codes phenomenon, as detailed in WRR, is a real phenomenon or that I no longer believe that the conclusions drawn from my original cities experiment are correct. Let me then state in absolute terms that this is not true. To date, I have not uncovered a single fact or even a hint that the list of cities that I was provided was manipulated in an attempt to make the results of the experiment appear significant when, in fact, they are not significant. I have not uncovered a single fact that causes me to doubt that the conclusions drawn from the original cities experiment were accurate. I have not seen any argument advanced by anybody which convinces me that either the WRR experiment or the cities experiment is not valid and truly statistically extremely significant. Nevertheless, so as to be completely thorough and honest, I will not now claim that I have verified the cities experiment: there are still a few things left to check. When my investigation will be completed, the results and all the details will be made public in an appropriate way, regardless of whether the results confirm the conclusions of the original cities experiment or not. Harold Gans
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