Example output

The example SHYSTER output given in appendices A and B to A Pragmatic Legal Expert System is also available here.

The most interesting output is contained in the report files—SHYSTER's legal opinion about several test cases:

§A.2:  Parker v. British Airways Board [1982] QB 1004
§A.3:  Australasian Performing Right Association Ltd v. Jain (1990) 26 FCR 53
§A.4:  Re Porter; Re Transport Workers Union of Australia (1989) 34 IR 179
§A.5:  Ainsworth v. Criminal Justice Commission (1992) 175 CLR 564
§B.7:  Building Workers' Industrial Union of Australia v. Odco Pty Ltd (1991) 29 FCR 104

There are also several intermediate files that SHYSTER produces on the way to its reports. Each time SHYSTER's case-based system is invoked it writes the following files:

All of these files are plain text files. Except for the log file, each is in LaTeX format: i.e. it is suitable for processing using the LaTeX document processor. Each example is available below as a LaTeX file, and in Acrobat format (PDF) as it appears after processing by LaTeX. For each report file, an HTML version of the LaTeX output is also available.

The example output given in the appendices to A Pragmatic Legal Expert System demonstrates each of the four case law specifications used in the development and testing of SHYSTER. For each example, SHYSTER was requested to hypothesize with a limit of two changed attribute values, and to report on up to one hypothetical per result.

The Finder specification

The Authorization specification

The Employee specification

The Natural specification

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Last modified:  30 April 1995