About me

Welcome to my page. I'm currently a PhD student at the Applied Signal Processing Group within the Research School of Engineering at the Australia National University. I completed my Bachelor's Degree (First Class Honours) in Electrical Engineering at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in 2013.

My PhD thesis is on interference management in 5G networks. Currently, I am studying the effects of dynamic bias values on HetNet user association.

During my degree I was fortunate enough to visit Prof. Jeff Andrews at the University of Texas at Austin for 2 months. Any PhD student should undertake a visit to another university or institution during their degree as it will open many opportunites and allow them to witness and experience the workings of the wider research commmunity. This is highly valuable, and not something that can be learned or appreciated from reading papers.

I am supervised by Dr Salman Durrani and Dr Xiangyun (Sean) Zhou, who together form a superstar supervising team. My degree advisor is Prof. Rod Kennedy, who, in addition to being an extremely distinguished and respected academic, is unfairly good at squash. He probably won't let me graduate until I beat him.

I'm a student member of IEEE, and in addition to my research, I am a reviewer for IEEE Communications Letters, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, as well as IEEE Transactions on Communications, Wireless Communications and Networking. I have also tutored university courses on electronics, wireless communications and engineering management.