(under construction as I move my work online)


Students as Teachers
a project providing resources for student-created videos, developed as part of Teaching Enhacement Grant in the team: Dr Chris Browne, FHEA, CECS, A/Prof Beth Beckman PFHEA, Colleges of Science, Dr Chris Fulton SFHEA, CMBE (RSB), Dr Patrick Kilby SFHEA, CASS, A/Prof Christine Phillips SFHEA, CMBE (ANUMS), A/Prof Krisztina Valter SFHEA, CMBE (ANUMS), Dr Alexandra Webb SFHEA, CMBE (ANUMS), A/Prof Asmi Wood SFHEA, CoL
‘Habits of a Student Systems Engineer’ 1-pager
Philosophical underpinnings of a Systems Engineering program, developed with Dr Lyle Roberts

Updated:  31 Jan 2019/ Responsible Officer:  Head of School/ Page Contact:  Page Contact