About me

I got my Ph.D. degree in Aug. 2014 from Research School of Computer Science at The Australian National University. My Ph.D. thesis is "Power, Performance, and Upheaval: An Opportunity for Managed Languages".

Supervisor panel: Prof. Steve Blackburn, Prof. Kathryn McKinley, Dr. Peter Strazdins

Research group: Computer System, RSCS

Research interests: I am very interested in how to improve high-level languages' energy efficiency by using heterogeneous environment, including both software and hardware optimizations, such as microarchitecture tailoring and runtime scheduling.


[1] J. Gu, B. Beckmann, T. Cao, and Y. Hu, "iCHAT: Inter-Cache Hardware-Assistant Data Transfer for Heterogeneous Chip Multiprocessors" The 9th IEEE International Conference on Network, Architecture, and Storage, Tianjin, China, Aug.2014. Best Paper Award.

[2] Z. Wang, S. Shan, T. Cao, J. Gu, Y. Xu, S. Mu, Y. Xie and D. A. Jiménez, "WADE: Writeback-Aware Dynamic Cache Management for NVM-based Main Memory System" ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), 10(4), Dec. 2013. (Selected to appear at the HiPEAC 2014 conference).

[3] T. Cao, J. Gu and B. Beckmann, "iCHAT: Inter-Cache Hardware-Assistant Data Transfer for Heterogeneous Chip Multiprocessors" 4th Workshop on SoCs, Heterogeneous Architectures and Workloads (SHAW), Shenzhen, China, Feb. 2013. (Held in conjuction with HPCA-19) pdf

[4] T. Cao, S. M. Blackburn, T. Gao and K. S. McKinley, "The Yin and Yang of Power and Performance for Asymmetric Hardware and Managed Software" Proceedings of the 39th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), Portland, OR, USA, June 2012. pdf data

[5] H. Esmaeilzadeh, T. Cao, X. Yang, S. M. Blackburn and K. S. McKinley, "What is happening to Power, Performance, and Software?" IEEE MICRO Top Picks 32(3) May/June 2012. pdf

[6] H. Esmaeilzadeh, T. Cao, X. Yang, S. M. Blackburn and K. S. McKinley, "Looking Back and Looking Forward: Power, Performance and Upheaval," Communications of the ACM, Research Highlights (Invited) , 55(7), July, 2012. pdf

[7] T. Cao, T. Gao, S. M. Blackburn and K. S. McKinley, "System Design for Heterogeneity: The Virtual Machine Services Test Case," Australian National University, Research School of Computer Science, TR-CS-12-01, 2012. pdf

[8] D. Zhang, D. Guo, F. Chen, F. Wu, T. Wu, T. Cao, S. Jin, "TL-plane-based multi-core energy-efficient real-time scheduling algorithm for sporadic tasks," ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), 8(4), January 2012. pdf

[9] T. Cao, S. M. Blackburn, and K. S. McKinley, "Virtual Machine Services: An Opportunity for Hardware Customization," Workshop on Energy-efficient Computing for a Sustainable World (EESC), Porto Alegre, Brazil, Dec. 2011.(Held in conjuction with MICRO-44) pdf

[10] H. Esmaeilzadeh, T. Cao, X. Yang, S. M. Blackburn and K. S. McKinley, "Looking Back on the Language and Hardware Revolution: Measured Power, Performance, and Scaling," Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), Newport Beach, CA, USA, Mar. 2011. pdf

[11] W. Shi, Z. Wang, H. Ren, T. Cao, W. Chen, B. Su, and H. Lu, "DSS: Applying Asynchronous Techniques to Architectures Exploiting ILP at Compile Time," Proceedings of 28th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), Amsterdam, Netherlands, Oct. 2010. Best Paper Award. pdf


8/2014, 9th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS). Best Paper Award.

12/2011, 2011 Google Sydney Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship Finalist Award.

9/2009 - 9/2013, the State Scholarship Study Abroad Program for Graduate Studies from China Scholarship Council.

9/2009 - 7/2013, ANU Miscellaneous Scholarship.

5/2007 - 5/2009, the Fund of Invention Project for Excellent Postgraduate from NUDT.

6/2007, the Excellent Graduate of NUDT.(<2%)

6/2007, Top One Total Course Score of Undergradate Study of CS, NUDT.(1/183)
