Interactive Graph-viewer Applet Demo

Java 2 Standard Edition v 1.3 or above is required for this applet.
Download it from

Note: Java 1.3 or above must be installed for this applet to work correctly.

Embedding this Graph Viewer in your Web Page

This viewer uses Grappa and is subject to the licensing agreement therein. If you desire more control over functionality, you can build your own interactive graph-viewing Java applets using the Grappa API.

To use this viewer on a web page, just insert the following HTML code:

     <applet border="1" width="800" height="600" 
	        <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff">
	        <param name="filename" 
5A5A5A5A where "" is any fully qualified GraphViz dot-formatted file you want to view and "dotview.jar" and "grappa1_4.jar" are two jar files that should be in the same directory as the dot file you want to view. It's that easy!

Note that you can scale the viewer by the width and height attributes in the applet tag.