Meeting Summary
from: 6Jan99 at 10:00am 
with: Chris, Ian, Ben, Chanop, Alex, Ali, David

  • Status on individual projects
  • Status on outstanding components

  • Ben Kahler is continuing his summer project begun in December, developing a system to point and zoom, the Sony camera using an "in-image" interface and the Pulnix cameras to determine position and range.  The display of images is working and focus is now on the Visca device driver for the Sony camera.

    Ian Fitzgerald, who will be doing his undergraduate honors project in underwater computer vision, began this week as a work experience scholar and has begun the task of porting the ImageNation linux device driver to VxWorks.

    Chanop Silpa-Anan will be doing his masters project in vision-based control and is continuing to study background material.

    Chris is running extended simulations of the connectionist controller to build up statistics on how well the various reinforcement learning schemes are working.  He and David have drafted a paper on these first results.

    David organizing and reading papers on underwater vehicle control.  And making sure everyone is underway with their individual projects.

    Ali is working on finalizing the design of the motor power amplifier board and will talk to Sha about desiging a box.

    Kambara's new endcap is being fabricated and should be done in a week.  No word on the battery recharger.  No word on the Siliconix chip.

    By David Wettergreen,<>
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