National ICT Australia (NICTA)
Logic and Computation Group

Electronic Voting - An in-house vote counting program in C

To gain experience in developing vote counting programs from specifications written in natural language (English) and to better understand the ACT Hare-Clark legislation, we built our own in-house Hare-Clark vote counting program using the programming language C. The system was developed independently in 2-3 weeks by one person, who happens to be a lawyer, and was based on the ACT legislation for counting votes in the Hare-Clark system.

The results produced by our vote counting C code agree with the results of the ACT 2001 election. The results for the ACT 2001 election and the Teletubbies Test Election cases produced by our C code are here. The results are produced in HTML because it is accessible to a wider range of users. Our C code can be easily changed to produce any XML style output.

The source code can be downloaded from here: ccounter.tar.gz The code is commented with cross references to the ACT Legislation (Electoral Act 1992 (ACT), No 71, Republication No 12).

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