Stereo Vision Lip-Tracking for Audio-Video Speech Processing

Authors: Roland Göcke, J.Bruce Millar, Alexander Zelinsky, and Jordi Robert-Ribes

Presented by Roland Göcke at the 2001 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing ICASSP 2001 , Salt Lake City, USA, 7-11 May 2001
This paper was presented as a poster in the student forum of which only abstracts were published in the conference proceedings, not full papers.


We present the first results from applying a recently proposed novel algorithm for the robust and reliable automatic extraction of lip feature points to an audio-video speech data corpus. This corpus comprises 10 native speakers uttering sequences that cover the range of phonemes and visemes in Australian English. The lip-tracking algorithm is based on stereo vision which has the advantage of measurements being in real-world (3D) coordinates, instead of image (2D) coordinates. Certain lip feature points on the inner lip contour such as the lip corners and the mid-points of upper and lower lip are automatically tracked. Parameters describing the shape of the mouth are derived from these points. The results obtained so far show that there is a correlation between width and height of the mouth opening as well as between the protrusion parameters of upper and lower lips.

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(c) Roland Göcke
Last modified: 25/9/01