Distributed Residential Demand Response


Paul Scott

Sylvie Thiebaux

Demand Response

Demand Response

  • Reduce network peaks
  • Balance renewable supply
  • Provide network support

Multiagent Problem

Home Automation

Home Automation

Home Automation

Retail Prices

Our Focus

A demand response mechanism that incentivises participation and coordinates activity whilst satisfying network constraints.


We demonstrate that a particular distributed demand response algorithm can produce near-optimal results even with the non-convex power flows. Discrete loads typically found within households can also be managed by the algorithm. This brings the approach closer to where it can be deployed in a real system.

Optimisation Problem

Minimise total cost of serving power, whilst preserving network and participant constraints.


  • \(C:\) set of components (houses, gens, lines, buses)
  • \(T:\) set of terminals
  • \(L:\) set of connections between terminals


  • \(y_i = [p,q,v,\theta]^\mathsf{T}:\) variables for terminal \(i\)
  • \(x_c:\) variables for component \(c\) (inc. terminal vars)

Optimisation Problem

\begin{align} &\min_x\sum_{c \in C} f_c(x_c)\quad\color{red}{\text{costs}}\\ &\text{ s.t. } \forall c \in C: g_c(x_c) \leq 0\quad\color{red}{\text{constraints}}\\ &\phantom{\text{ s.t. }} \forall (i, j) \in L: h(y_i, y_j) = 0\quad\color{red}{\text{connections}} \end{align}

where \(h(y, y') := y + Ay'\)


Iterative algorithm that allows the problem to be decomposed across linear constraints. Proven to converge when the problem is convex, and linear constraints take on particular form.

Split Into Two

Split Into Two

Split Into Two

Augmented Lagrangian

\begin{align} \mathcal{L}_A(y, y', \lambda, \rho) &:= \sum_{c \in C} f_c(x_c)\\ &+ \sum_{(i, j) \in L} \left[\frac{\rho}{2} \|h(y_i, y'_j)\|_2^2 + \lambda_{i,j}^\mathsf{T} h(y_i, y'_j) \right] \end{align}


\begin{align} (1):&~x_1^{(k)} = \argmin_{x_1} \mathcal{L}_A(y, \color{red}{y^{(k-1)}}, \lambda^{(k-1)}, \rho^k)\label{eq:admm_st}\\ &\quad\text{ s.t. } \forall c \in \color{red}{C_1}: g_c(x_{c}) \leq 0\\ (2):&~x_2^{(k)} = \argmin_{x_2} \mathcal{L}_A(\color{red}{y^{(k)}}, y, \lambda^{(k-1)}, \rho^k)\\ &\quad\text{ s.t. } \forall c \in \color{red}{C_2}: g_c(x_{c}) \leq 0\\ (3):&~\forall (i, j) \in L: \lambda_{i,j}^{(k)} = \lambda_{i,j}^{(k-1)} + \rho^{(k)} h(y_i^{(k)}, y_j^{(k)})\label{eq:admm_en} \end{align}

House/Generator Payments

\(\lambda_pp + \lambda_qq\)

Visualisation of Algorithm

Visualisation of Algorithm

Visualisation of Algorithm

Visualisation of Algorithm

Visualisation of Algorithm

Visualisation of Algorithm

Visualisation of Algorithm

Receding Horizon Control (MPC)

Receding Horizon Control (MPC)

Receding Horizon Control (MPC)

Power Flow Models


Convergence (Cold)

Timing (Cold)

  • AC: 148s
  • QC: 546s
  • DF: 110s
  • DC: 244s
  • K: 15s


For \(\sigma =\) 20%, relative number of iterations:

  • Uncorrelated 11.4% (0.3%)
  • Correlated 29% (18%)


  • QC: -0.03%1% LB
  • DF: 0.04%1% LB
  • DC: -3.5%
  • K: 4.7%

Discrete Shiftable Load

  • RP: Relax and Price
  • RD: Relax and Decide
  • UR: Unrelaxed

Discrete Shiftable Loads

  • RP-0: 0.25%1%
  • RP-3: 0.24%1%
  • RD: 0.23%1%
  • UR: 0.01%1%


Get within 1% of the global optimal. Works with AC power flows. Works with household discrete loads. Only a couple of minutes to converge.