Hons/MIT project proposal(s):
Multithreading Issues on the OpenPower 720 Multiprocessor

supervisor: Dr Peter Strazdins

A state-of-the-art OpenPower 720 Multiprocessor has recently be installed at DCS, courtesy of OzLabs branch of the IBM Linux Technology Centre. As a shared memory multiprocessor, it is an interesting system:

This permits up to 8 threads to execute (effectively) simultaneously on the system. Another interesting aspect of the OpenPower 720 is it can simultaneously host a number of virtual machines configurations through a low-level resource manager called the Hypervisor.

Such a multi-level processor opens interesting possibilities in running multiple threads. The following themes (which could be expanded tom projects in their own right) thus emerge:

  1. investigation and evaluation of fast synchronisation algorithms, and `lockless' data structures.
  2. evaluate the system on scientific benchmarks, includes the OpenMP Parallel Benchmarks and the STREAM benchmarks. Here issues such as the effectiveness of SMT and non-uniform memory accesses effects are of particular interest.

These projects are of strategic interest not only to DCS but OzLabs as well.


See the links above, and also:
Last Modified: Peter Strazdins, 12 Dec 2005