ENGN3213 downloads section

Click below to download course softwares (check the software info guide on Wattle)

Note: files are zipped and password protected. The password is shown in the ENGN3213 Wattle page.
Note 2: these files are for exclusive use by ENGN3213 students enrolled at the Australian National University in Semester 1, 2014. No other uses are authorised.
Note 3: unless stated otherwise, you can download these files when logged on to the ANU network without worrying about your internet quota since they are hosted on an internal ANU server.

----------------Windows packages--------------------
Notepad++ for Windows (v6.3) - Text editor with advanced features
Icarus Verilog + GTKwave bundle for Windows (v0.9.6) - Command line tools for Verilog code simulation and visualisation of trace results
Xilinx ISE WebPACK (v14.7) (WARNING large download >6.4GB) - Development suite for FPGA design flow
Code::Blocks download page (WARNING: NON-ANU DOWNLOAD) - Integrated Development Environment you can use for C/C++ programming
Atmel Studio 6 (WARNING large download >800MB) - Integrated Development Platform for Atmel microprocessors

----------------Ubuntu packages--------------------
Xilinx ISE WebPACK (v14.4) (WARNING large download >8GB) - Development suite for FPGA design flow
All other packages should be available through the standard repositories.

----------------Mac OS packages--------------------
Code::Blocks for Mac (v12.11) - IDE for C/C++ programming
All other packages should be available through the standard Linux repositories, which you should be able to access once you have installed MacPorts/Xcode.