Nov. 29th, 2024: I am promoted to Associate Professor. Thanks to my referees for their support!
Sep. 14th, 2024: I will serve as an Area Chair for CVPR2025.
Sep. 14th, 2024: Congratulations to Liyuan for her paper accepted to TPAMI!
July 18th, 2024: Excited to receive the Google PaliGemma Academic Program GCP Credit Award! Thanks to Google for supporting our research!
July 18th, 2024: Welcome Yexin Mao joining my group as a new PhD student!
July 2nd, 2024: I will serve as an Area Chair for 3DV2025.
July 2nd, 2024: Congratulations to Chaoyue for his paper accepted to ECCV2024, Milan, Italy!
June 17th, 2024: I will serve as an Area Chair for WACV 2025.
May 7th, 2024: I will serve as an Area Chair for NeurIPS 2024.
Apr. 13th, 2024: We are organising "Scalable 3D Scene Generation and 3D Geometric Scene Understanding" workshop at ECCV 2024, Milan, Italy!
Feb. 27th, 2024: Congratulations to Hoang, Hao, Jiahao and all collaborators for papers accepted to CVPR 2024, Seattle, US! (1 Oral, 1 Highlight, 1 Poster)
Jan. 17th, 2024: Congratulations to Wei for his paper accepted to ICLR 2024, Vienna, Austria!
Nov. 11th, 2023: I will serve as an Area Chair for IJCAI 2024.
Oct. 31st, 2023: I will serve as an Area Chair for ECCV 2024.
Aug. 24th, 2023: I will serve as an Area Chair for WACV 2024(round 2) and AJCAI2023.
Aug. 3rd, 2023: Tenured!
Jul. 14th, 2023: One paper is accepted to ICCV 2023! Congratulations to Jiayu!
Jun. 23rd, 2023: I will serve as an Area Chair for CVPR 2024.
Mar. 2nd, 2023: Two papers accepted to CVPR 2023. Congratulations to Huiyu, Yan, and collaborators!
Nov. 16th, 2022: I will serve as an Area Chair for IJCAI 2023.
Sep. 15th, Congratulations to Wei for his paper accepted to Neurips 2022, New Orleans, US. (Spotlight)
Sep. 15th, 2022: I will serve as an Area Chair for CVPR 2023.
Jul. 4th, 2022: Congratulations to Tianyu for his paper accepted to ECCV2022, Tel-Aviv, Isreal!
May 23rd, 2022: Welcome Chaoyue Xing join our group as a PhD studend!
May 11th, 2022: I will serve as an Associate Editor for IET-Computer Vision (2022-)
Apr. 4th, 2022: Welcome Hoang joining my group as a Phd Student!
Mar. 20th, 2022: I will serve as an Area Chair for ACCV 2022!
Mar. 2nd, 2022: Congratulations to Jiayu and Wei for their papers accepted to CVPR2022, New Orleans, US! (1 Oral, 1 Poster)
Dec. 2nd, 2021: Congratulations to Shidi for his paper accepted to AAAI 2022! (Oral)
Nov. 10th, 2021: I am going to teach course ENGN/COMP6528 Computer Vision(master-level course) in S1, 2022!
Oct. 23rd, 2021: Congratulations to Hoang for his paper accepted to NeurIPS 2021 Workshop
Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning!
Oct. 20th, 2021: I will serve as an Area Chair for CVPR 2022, SPC for IJCAI 2022 and am serving as an Associate Editor for IEEE RA-L(2021 -).
Oct. 5th, 2021: Congratulations to Huiyu for her first paper accepted to WACV 2022, Hawaii, US!
Aug. 1st, 2021: Welcome Huiyu Gao join the group as a PhD student!
Jul. 23rd, 2021: One paper accepted to ICCV 2021. Congratualtions to Wei!! (Oral)
May. 24th, 2021: One paper accepted to IJCV.
May. 7th, 2021: One paper accepted to TPAMI.
Mar. 1st, 2021: Two papers accepted to CVPR 2021!(1 Oral, 1 Poster)
Dec. 22nd, 2020: One paper accepted to TIP.
Dec. 2nd, 2020: I will teach ENGN6528 Computer Vision in S1, 2021.
Oct. 27th, 2020: One paper accepted to TPAMI.
Jul. 3rd, 2020: One paper accepted to ECCV 2020.
Feb. 24th, 2020: Two papers accepted to CVPR 2020, Seattle, US!(1 Oral, 1 Poster)
Dec. 4th, 2019: With Prof.Richard Hartley, we are successful with an ARC Discovery Project funding :)!
Nov. 1st, 2019: Our ICCV 2019 work is featured on the ICCV Daily magazine! Click Here! :)
Oct. 15th, 2019: Great thanks to the ICCV organisers for awarding Wei Mao with an ICCV2019 student travel grant!
Oct. 1st, 2019: One paper is accepted to TIP.
Aug. 23rd, 2019: I am going to teach course ENGN 6528 Computer Vision (Post-graduate) in Sem. 1, 2020.
Aug. 1st, 2019: Welcome Shidi Li join my group as a phD student!
Jul. 23rd, 2019: One paper accepted to ICCV 2019, Seoul, Korea! (Oral)
Jul. 2nd, 2019: One paper accepted to BMVC 2019, Cardiff, UK! (Spotlight)
Mar.29th, 2019: Welcome Jiayu and Shengqi join my group as master of research (Mphil) students!
Feb.25th, 2019: Two papers accepted to CVPR 2019, Long Beach, US! (1 Oral, 1 Poster)
Jan.3rd, 2019: I thank NVIDIA donates (1)Titan V through the NVIDIA GPU Grant Program to support the research in my group! Great Gift for the New Year :)
Dec.4th, 2018: I am going to teach course ENGN 8535 Engineering Data Analytics in Sem. 1, 2019.
Nov.10th, 2018: One paper got accepted to WACV 2019, Honolulu, Hawaii, US!
Aug. 1st, 2018: Welcome Wei joins my group as a PhD student!
Aug. 1st, 2018: I am glad to join the Australian Centre for Robotic Vision as an Associate Investigator.
July 19th, 2018: I join the Research school of Engineering at the Australian National Univeristy as a Lecturer (Tenure Track). I am looking for highly motivated PhD student working with me on challenging research topics in Computer Vision.
April 10th, 2018:I join the Computeri Vision and Robotics (CVR) Group in CECS, Australian National University (ANU), as a ARC DECRA Fellow on April 10th. 2018. My data61 email address is not available anymore.
Feb. 19th, 2018: One paper got accepted to CVPR 2018, Salt Lake, US!
Dec. 6th, 2017: Abstract: Learning Geometric Representation from Visual Data in Computer Vision, accepted by Australasian Computer Science Week (ACSW), Brisbane, 2018. In addition, I will serve as a panelist for DECRA panel for the special ECR event.
Nov. 10th,2017: Successful in an ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA), 2018!
Nov. 8th, 2017: One paper got accepted to AAAI 2018, New Orleans, US!
Oct.20th, 2017: One paper got accepted to WACV 2018, Lake Tahoe, US!
Oct.10th, 2017: Guest Lecture in ENGN 8536 in ANU [course convenor: Prof. Richard Hartley], talking about "Deep Learning-based 3D Reconstruction".
Jul.25th, 2017: One paper got accepted to IJCV 2017!
Feb.27th, 2017: Two papers got accepted to CVPR 2017, Hawaii, US!