I am currently an Associate Professor (Tenure track) in the School of Computing, ANU. My research focuses on computer vision, and applied machine learning in 3D vision, 3D scene modeling and understanding.


Email: Miaomiao.liu (at) anu.edu.au

Office Phone:612 53723

Office: 351, Brian Anderson Building (115), 31 North Road, Acton ACT 2601, Australia


Potential Students:

I am always looking for good undergraduate, master and PhD students, who are highly self-motivated, strong in Mathematics and Programming, working on challenging computer vision research problems!

For ANU undergraduate and master students looking for research projects on computer vision, you at least have taken the ENGN 4528/6528 Computer Vision and/or COMP4670 Statistical Machine Learning in ANU. Please attach your transcript to your enquiry email.

Students (main supervisor) & Research Fellows:

Huiyu Gao, PhD Candidate(2021 -)

Hoang Chuong Nguyen, PhD Candidate (2022 - )

Chaoyue Xing, PhD Candidate (2022 - )

Jiahao Ma, PhD Candidate(2023 -)(Co-supervision with Chuong)

Yexin Mao, PhD Candidate(2024 - )

Graduated Students:

Wei Zhuo, PhD Student (2013-2018), Co-supervision with Dr. Mathieu Salzmann and Dr. Xuming He, Assistant Professor, Shenzhen University

Liyuan Pan, PhD Student (2018-2021), Co-supervision with Prof. Richard Hartley, Associate Professor, BIT

Wei Mao, PhD Student (2018-2022) and Postdoc (2022-2024), Senior Research Scientist at Tencent, Canberra

Jiayu Yang, PhD Student (2019-2024), Senior Research Scientist at Tencent, Canberra

Shidi Li, PhD Student (2019-2024)

Tianyu Wang, PhD Student (2020 - 2024), Co-supervision with A/Prof. Kee Siong Ng, Research Fellow at MBZUAI.


Nov. 29th, 2024: I am promoted to Associate Professor. Thanks to my referees for their support!

Sep. 14th, 2024: I will serve as an Area Chair for CVPR2025.

Sep. 14th, 2024: Congratulations to Liyuan for her paper accepted to TPAMI!

July 18th, 2024: Excited to receive the Google PaliGemma Academic Program GCP Credit Award! Thanks to Google for supporting our research!

July 18th, 2024: Welcome Yexin Mao joining my group as a new PhD student!

July 2nd, 2024: I will serve as an Area Chair for 3DV2025.

July 2nd, 2024: Congratulations to Chaoyue for his paper accepted to ECCV2024, Milan, Italy!

June 17th, 2024: I will serve as an Area Chair for WACV 2025.

May 7th, 2024: I will serve as an Area Chair for NeurIPS 2024.

Apr. 13th, 2024: We are organising "Scalable 3D Scene Generation and 3D Geometric Scene Understanding" workshop at ECCV 2024, Milan, Italy!

Feb. 27th, 2024: Congratulations to Hoang, Hao, Jiahao and all collaborators for papers accepted to CVPR 2024, Seattle, US! (1 Oral, 1 Highlight, 1 Poster)

Jan. 17th, 2024: Congratulations to Wei for his paper accepted to ICLR 2024, Vienna, Austria!

Nov. 11th, 2023: I will serve as an Area Chair for IJCAI 2024.

Oct. 31st, 2023: I will serve as an Area Chair for ECCV 2024.

Aug. 24th, 2023: I will serve as an Area Chair for WACV 2024(round 2) and AJCAI2023.

Aug. 3rd, 2023: Tenured!

Jul. 14th, 2023: One paper is accepted to ICCV 2023! Congratulations to Jiayu!

Jun. 23rd, 2023: I will serve as an Area Chair for CVPR 2024.

Mar. 2nd, 2023: Two papers accepted to CVPR 2023. Congratulations to Huiyu, Yan, and collaborators!

Nov. 16th, 2022: I will serve as an Area Chair for IJCAI 2023.

Sep. 15th, Congratulations to Wei for his paper accepted to Neurips 2022, New Orleans, US. (Spotlight)

Sep. 15th, 2022: I will serve as an Area Chair for CVPR 2023.

Jul. 4th, 2022: Congratulations to Tianyu for his paper accepted to ECCV2022, Tel-Aviv, Isreal!

May 23rd, 2022: Welcome Chaoyue Xing join our group as a PhD studend!

May 11th, 2022: I will serve as an Associate Editor for IET-Computer Vision (2022-)

Apr. 4th, 2022: Welcome Hoang joining my group as a Phd Student!

Mar. 20th, 2022: I will serve as an Area Chair for ACCV 2022!

Mar. 2nd, 2022: Congratulations to Jiayu and Wei for their papers accepted to CVPR2022, New Orleans, US! (1 Oral, 1 Poster)

Dec. 2nd, 2021: Congratulations to Shidi for his paper accepted to AAAI 2022! (Oral)

Nov. 10th, 2021: I am going to teach course ENGN/COMP6528 Computer Vision(master-level course) in S1, 2022!

Oct. 23rd, 2021: Congratulations to Hoang for his paper accepted to NeurIPS 2021 Workshop Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning!

Oct. 20th, 2021: I will serve as an Area Chair for CVPR 2022, SPC for IJCAI 2022 and am serving as an Associate Editor for IEEE RA-L(2021 -).

Oct. 5th, 2021: Congratulations to Huiyu for her first paper accepted to WACV 2022, Hawaii, US!

Aug. 1st, 2021: Welcome Huiyu Gao join the group as a PhD student!

Jul. 23rd, 2021: One paper accepted to ICCV 2021. Congratualtions to Wei!! (Oral)

May. 24th, 2021: One paper accepted to IJCV.

May. 7th, 2021: One paper accepted to TPAMI.

Mar. 1st, 2021: Two papers accepted to CVPR 2021!(1 Oral, 1 Poster)

Dec. 22nd, 2020: One paper accepted to TIP.

Dec. 2nd, 2020: I will teach ENGN6528 Computer Vision in S1, 2021.

Oct. 27th, 2020: One paper accepted to TPAMI.

Jul. 3rd, 2020: One paper accepted to ECCV 2020.

Feb. 24th, 2020: Two papers accepted to CVPR 2020, Seattle, US!(1 Oral, 1 Poster)

Dec. 4th, 2019: With Prof.Richard Hartley, we are successful with an ARC Discovery Project funding :)!

Nov. 1st, 2019: Our ICCV 2019 work is featured on the ICCV Daily magazine! Click Here! :)

Oct. 15th, 2019: Great thanks to the ICCV organisers for awarding Wei Mao with an ICCV2019 student travel grant!

Oct. 1st, 2019: One paper is accepted to TIP.

Aug. 23rd, 2019: I am going to teach course ENGN 6528 Computer Vision (Post-graduate) in Sem. 1, 2020.

Aug. 1st, 2019: Welcome Shidi Li join my group as a phD student!

Jul. 23rd, 2019: One paper accepted to ICCV 2019, Seoul, Korea! (Oral)

Jul. 2nd, 2019: One paper accepted to BMVC 2019, Cardiff, UK! (Spotlight)

Mar.29th, 2019: Welcome Jiayu and Shengqi join my group as master of research (Mphil) students!

Feb.25th, 2019: Two papers accepted to CVPR 2019, Long Beach, US! (1 Oral, 1 Poster)

Jan.3rd, 2019: I thank NVIDIA donates (1)Titan V through the NVIDIA GPU Grant Program to support the research in my group! Great Gift for the New Year :)

Dec.4th, 2018: I am going to teach course ENGN 8535 Engineering Data Analytics in Sem. 1, 2019.

Nov.10th, 2018: One paper got accepted to WACV 2019, Honolulu, Hawaii, US!

Aug. 1st, 2018: Welcome Wei joins my group as a PhD student!

Aug. 1st, 2018: I am glad to join the Australian Centre for Robotic Vision as an Associate Investigator.

July 19th, 2018: I join the Research school of Engineering at the Australian National Univeristy as a Lecturer (Tenure Track). I am looking for highly motivated PhD student working with me on challenging research topics in Computer Vision.

April 10th, 2018:I join the Computeri Vision and Robotics (CVR) Group in CECS, Australian National University (ANU), as a ARC DECRA Fellow on April 10th. 2018. My data61 email address is not available anymore.

Feb. 19th, 2018: One paper got accepted to CVPR 2018, Salt Lake, US!

Dec. 6th, 2017: Abstract: Learning Geometric Representation from Visual Data in Computer Vision, accepted by Australasian Computer Science Week (ACSW), Brisbane, 2018. In addition, I will serve as a panelist for DECRA panel for the special ECR event.

Nov. 10th,2017: Successful in an ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA), 2018!

Nov. 8th, 2017: One paper got accepted to AAAI 2018, New Orleans, US!

Oct.20th, 2017: One paper got accepted to WACV 2018, Lake Tahoe, US!

Oct.10th, 2017: Guest Lecture in ENGN 8536 in ANU [course convenor: Prof. Richard Hartley], talking about "Deep Learning-based 3D Reconstruction".

Jul.25th, 2017: One paper got accepted to IJCV 2017!

Feb.27th, 2017: Two papers got accepted to CVPR 2017, Hawaii, US!