John Slaney: Trajectory part 3: King's College Cambridge

King's College Chapel (left) has to be one of the most photographed buildings in the world. For three years, from 1973 to 76, King's was my home. I lurked around the college, though not the chapel, gradually acquiring a degree in philosophy, a little insight into English social classes not heavily represented in Kirkby or Crich, a grounding in left-wing politics (King's was and is famous for Marxists and choirboys, only the former of which interested me), some skill (long since vanished) with a punt, a beard (which I still have) and a taste for good beer (which I also still have).

About Cambridge anything I could write would surely be superfluous. My time there was a delight, but three years of it was enough. Next it was time to travel.

Image King's College Chapel West Wikipedia Creative Commons

Dr J K Slaney                      Phone (Aus.):  (026) 125 8607
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