Soundness Metalogic

The soundness theorem for a deductive system such as the one we have been using states that every provable sequent is valid according to the given definition of semantics for the language. That is, if there is an interpretation on which all formulae in X are true but a conclusion C is not, then there is no way to derive C from X by the rules of the calculus.

Recall that every line of every natural deduction proof represents a sequent: the assumption numbers on the left refer to its premises, and the formula written in the main part of the line is its conclusion. We wish to show that every sequent capable of occurring in a proof is valid.

Soundness is proved rather laboriously by showing that none of the rules is capable of introducing an invalid sequent into a proof if all the previous lines represent valid sequents. Trivially, the rule of assumptions cannot produce an invalid sequent, since it always results in something of the form  A TS A so all derivations start out valid. Now if there were a proof of an invalid sequent, then that proof would have to have a first invalid line. All lines above this would be valid, but at this point the derivation would have gone wrong. The first "bad" line would have to come from "good" lines by one of the rules. Hence what has to be shown for soundness is that this can never happen—that no rule can ever transform valid inputs into an invalid output. This is a matter of grinding through all the cases and is tedious but not especially difficult.

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Case 1: Conjunction
Case 2: Implication
Case 3: Negation
Case 4: Disjunction
Case 5: Universality
Case 6: Existence

To recapitulate, the upshot of all the above arguments is that no rule can be responsible for the first invalid line in any proof. Since there is no first invalid line, there are no invalid lines at all. Hence every provable sequent is valid.