Sequent calculus Rules

X, A  ⊢  A, Y
X, A, B  ⊢  Y AND ⊢
X, A AND B  ⊢  Y
X1  ⊢  A, Y1 X2  ⊢  B, Y2 ⊢ AND
X1, X2  ⊢  A AND B, Y1, Y2
X1, A  ⊢  Y1 X2, B  ⊢  Y2 OR ⊢
X1, X2, A OR B  ⊢  Y1, Y2
X  ⊢  A, B, Y ⊢ OR
X  ⊢  A OR B, Y
X  ⊢  A, Y NOT ⊢
X, NOTA,  ⊢  Y
X, A  ⊢  Y ⊢ NOT
X  ⊢  NOTA, Y
X1  ⊢  A, Y1 X2, B  ⊢  Y2 IMP ⊢
X1, X2, A IMP B  ⊢  Y1, Y2,
X, A  ⊢  B, Y ⊢ IMP
X  ⊢  A IMP B, Y
X, Atv ⊢  Y ALL ⊢
X, ALLv A  ⊢  Y
X  ⊢  A, Y ⊢ ALL m not in any
formula in X or Y
X  ⊢  ALLv Avm, Y
X, A  ⊢  Y SOME ⊢ m not in any
formula in X or Y
X, SOMEv Avm ⊢  Y
X  ⊢  Atv, Y ⊢ SOME
X  ⊢  SOMEv A, Y

In reading the rules, it must be remembered that the objects on the two sides of each sequent are sets, so for instance  X, A, B  is the set  X ∪ {A, B}  where it is allowed that A or B, or even both of them, may be members of X. In all of the rules, X and Y are whatever occurs above or below the line in addition to the specified formulae, and may be any sets of formulae whatsoever. In particular, they may be empty.

Note that the structural rule of monotonicity (or weakening) is not stipulated explicitly as one of the primitive rules of the system, but it holds anyway in virtue of the general form taken by the axiom (rule A). Contraction is also not explicitly assumed, but it also holds, because the formulae are taken in sets and XX is the same set as X. The other standard structural rule of exchange (permuting the order of formulae on one side of a sequent) holds because this is another property of set union.