Completeness II Metalogic

This page gives an alternative proof that propositional natural deduction (that is, the natural deduction calculus without the rules for quantifiers) is complete for the propositional logic defined by the two-valued truth tables for the connectives. It is simpler that the standard proof, and may be easier to grasp on a first reading, and unlike the proof already given, it does not depend on a prior demonstration of compactness.

We begin by defining the notion of a literal basis for a formula A. This is a set of literals (that is, atoms such as p and negated atoms such as NOTq) containing, either negated or unnegated, every atom in A. For instance, the set {NOTp, q, r} is a literal basis for the formula (p AND q) IMP (p AND r) . The set {p, q, NOTr} is another literal basis for the same formula. We stipulate that each literal basis must be consistent: that is, no atom occurs both negated and unnegated in it.

One more piece of useful notation: where β is any literal basis, let Iβ be the corresponding assignment of truth values to the atoms occurring (negated or unnegated) in β. That is, Iβ(p) = 1 if pβ, and Iβ(p) = 0 if NOTpβ (and similarly for every other atom). Note that Iβ may be a partial interpretation, as it does not assign values to atoms outside the literal basis, but obviously it can be extended to a full interpretation if required and equally obviously the choice of such an extension cannot affect the value of any formula for which β is a literal basis.

Now, observe two facts, the first of which is important enough to be named for future reference.

Literal Basis Lemma:   If β is a literal basis for A then either β TS A or β TS NOTA.

This is proved by observing first that it is trivially true if A is an atom, and then that it extends up from the atoms to larger and larger subformulae of A and ultimately to A itself. As in the proof of the soundness theorem, we need to consider all the cases corresponding to the connectives.

That is, in the jargon, the Literal Basis Lemma is proved by induction on the structure of A.
Case 1: Negation
Case 2: Conjunction
Case 3: Disjunction
Case 4: Implication

The whole is the sum of the parts, since the property specified in the lemma is preserved by every operation with which A might have been constructed.

Observation:   Where β is any set of literals and A is any formula, if  β TS A , then A is true for Iβ, while if  β TS NOTA , than A is false for Iβ.

Obviously every literal in β is true for Iβ. The observation follows directly from this and the soundness of the deductive system, together with the truth table for negation.

Now we want to show that every valid sequent is provable. In fact, we turn this around and show that every unprovable sequent is invalid. Suppose, then, that X is some set (possibly infinite) of formulae, and A is a formula such that that there is no derivation of A from X. We need to define an assignment of truth values to atoms for which everything in X is true but A is false.

Let the atoms of our propositional language be p1, p2, p3, ..., etc. We build up the required interpretation incrementally by defining a sequence Y0, Y1, Y2, ... of sets of literals, each one extending the previous one by adding the next atom or its negation:

Y0 = ∅

If   X, Yi, pi+1 TS A   then  Yi+1 = Yi ∪ {NOTpi+1}.  Otherwise  Yi+1 = Yi ∪ {pi+1}

Now let Y be the union of all of these sets Y0, Y1, Y2, etc. Clearly, by construction, any literal pi or NOTpi is in Y iff it is in Yi, and iff it is in Yj for every ji.

There is no n such that  X,Yn TS A since if there were, there would have to be a first such n. Obviously, this can't be 0, since XY0 is just X, and by hypothesis there is no derivation of A from that. But it can't be any i+1 either, because this would require both X, Yi, pi+1 TS A   and  X, Yi, NOTpi+1 TS A   and hence X, Yi TS A  , contradicting the assumption that Yi+1 is the first set to yield A.

Let B be any formula in X. Although X may be infinite, and may contain every atom in the language, B is a particular (finite) formula, so its atoms are all among the first n for some finite n. That means that Yn is a literal basis for B, so by the Literal Basis Lemma, either  Yn TS B  or  Yn TS NOTB . But we can't have  Yn TS NOTB because that would make XYn inconsistent, which it isn't because it does not imply A. Therefore Yn TS B and therefore  Y TS B. In a similar way, there are numbers m be such that the atoms in A are all among {p1,...,pm}. Since, as observed, A is not derivable from Ym, it must be the case that  Ym TS NOTA and so Y TS NOTA.

By the observation above, then, every formula in X is true for IY, while A is false for IY.  IY is therefore a truth value assaignment invalidating the sequent, finishing the proof of completeness.