Deduction equivalence Glossary


The deduction equivalence is the fundamental logical principle governing the implication connective. It states that 'If A then B' follows from premises if and only if B follows from those premises together with A. In symbols:
          X   ⊢   A IMP B
is equivalent to
          X,  A   ⊢   B


The deduction equivalence is the basis for the natural deduction rules governing implication. IMPI just is half of the equivalence, while IMPE amounts to the other half massaged into a form where the left sides of the sequents consist of arbitrary assumptions.

The deduction equivalence is sometiomes called the "deduction theorem" as it has to be proved to hold of any deductive system for orthodox logic. For our natural deduction calculus, this is trivial, but for a formulation where the introduction rule for implication is not given as a primitive rule, it may require some work.
