This package contains the working code for the method described in the paper "Sketch-based 3d shape retrieval using convolutional neural networks". Please notice that the code is developed for research projects. Please contact the author through if you encountered any problem. === Usage === Train the model using $ python train config/exp-shrec.cfg then, generate the features using $ python test config/exp-shrec.cfg After the above step, the model and feature files should be created under [./cache/]. Then you are ready to run the matlab evaluation code to get the final scores (see demo.m as an example). === Citation === Please cite our work if you use this code in your research: @inproceedings{wang2015sketch, title={Sketch-based 3d shape retrieval using convolutional neural networks}, author={Wang, Fang and Kang, Le and Li, Yi}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}, pages={1875--1883}, year={2015} } Authors: Fang Wang, NICTA and Australian National University Le Kang, University of Maryland Yi Li, NICTA, Australian National University, and Toyota Research Institute