25 Tamuz, 5758

The Seal of G-d is Truth: Supplement

by Doron Witztum


One of the readers, Yosef Beremez [note 1], has made the following comments related to the measurement of Phenomenon II (described in Part A of the Appendix):
  1. Randomization A was done using the same 100 permutations of the expression ")LHYM )MT". This reader suggested that there was a possible dependence between the permutations. He also suggested redoing the experiment while:
    1. Using 4 different sets of 100 permutations of the expression ")LHYM )MT".
    2. Using a larger set of permutations (in such a case the dependence is negligible).
  2. Y.B. also inquired - what would be the outcome of Randomizations B, working with perturbations x, y, z, between -2 and 2 as done in earlier experiments?


I performed the requisite experiments and the results are as follows:


Additional Measurement

Regarding the convergence between ")LHYM )MT" and "XTMY", the function c showed an exceptionally strong result: the convergences of the ELSs ranked ahead of all the PLSs. Therefore, we upgraded the program to be able to work with the domain of perturbation to -20 £x, y, z £ 20. Out of the 68,921 possible perturbations for ")LHYM )MT", 54,825 do appear. The ELSs ranked first out of all 54,825.  It is clear from this measurement, that in this case we have two types of convergences: the convergence of "XTMY", which is very strong, and the convergences of the other three words, which are also successful, but not of the same order of magnitude.


Note 1. Literary name.