These are all the same Rabbi Benbenest(i) who appears in WRR's list.
The first two are the same Rabbi Abulafia who appears in WRR's list, while the other two are further examples for the same family name.
Professor Havlin wrote the following in his 1996 letter defending the lists of WRR:
"Appellations composed of two or more words do not take the definite article; thus one does not write HBYT YWSP (HaBeit Yosef) or HMHR"Y QARW (HaMahari Caro), since this does not conform to the rules of Hebrew grammar (though various sources may include examples of irregular expressions of this kind, which do not conform to the rules of Hebrew grammar)"
Strangely, Professor Havlin uses such "irregular expressions" in his own professional writings. The second example for Rabbi Benbenest above contains (indicated in green) the very example HBYT YWSP that Professor Havlin chose to illustrate his position.
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