The ABCs 2021 - 4th ANU Bio-inspired Computing conference will be on the 22-23 July 2021 in Canberra, Australia, and will most likely be held on-line.

Paper Submission Due:                               24 April 2021
Notification of acceptance:              09 May 2021
Camera Ready Due:             30  May 2021

All papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers from the Program Committee, and meta-reviewed by one of the conference chairs.

The proceedings will be published on-line on this site.

Paper submissions and publications: Conference papers of maximum 10 pages each (up to 6 pages of content, with up to 4 pages for references, diagrams, graphs, tables) should be submitted on-line following the Springer LNCS format - see LNCS Proceedings and Other Multiauthor Volumes - LaTex and Word templates with page margins changed to 2 cm on all sides. Please submit using the Easy Chair submission system.

The 4th ANU Bio-inspired Computing conference (ABCs 2021) aims at presentation of ANU Research School of Computer Science 4th and Masters' student learning related to the research areas of bio-inspired computing, reporting results and encouraging enthusiastic discussions among participants, to share and exchange experiences in the emerging research area comprising bio-inspired computing.

Suggested topics for the conference include, but are not limited to:

Theory & Technology:

  • neural networks
  • deep learning
  • fuzzy logic
  • evolutionary algorithms