D. Nesic, I.M.Y. Mareels, and R.E. Mahony. Dead beat control of scalar polynomial systems. Proceedings of the Workshop on Nonlinear and Adaptive Control, 1994.

R.E. Mahony. Optimization Algorithms on Homogeneous Spaces: with Applications in Linear Systems Theory. PhD thesis, Department of Systems Engineering, Canberra, Australia, 1994. [ .ps.gz ]

R.E. Mahony. Optimization algorithms on homogeneous spaces, 1995. Abstract of PhD thesis [2].

L. White, G. Brushe, and R. Mahony. A reduced complexity receiver for multiuser communications systems. provisional patent, 1997.

L. White, G. Brushe, and R. Mahony. Sub-optimal filtering for large hidden Markov processes via aggregation. Proceedings of the third Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference (EMAC'98), 1998.

R. Mahony and T. Hamel. Hover control using Lyapunov control function design for an autonomous model helicopter. Technical Report 99/221, Heudiasyc, UMR 6599 Centre Nationale de la Recherche, Université de Techologie de Compiègne, Centre de Recherche de Royallieu, BP 20529, 60205 Compiegne Cedex, France, 1999.

R.E. Mahony. Optimization methods for problems with symmetric constraints. Course notes for two day short course presented at University of Liege, Institute Montefiore, 4-5 May, 1999.

R. Mahony, T. Hamel, and R. Lozano. Modélisation et commande d'hélicoptères de petite taille. Proceedings of the Conférence nationale JNRR, Journées Nationale de la Recherche en Robotique, September 1999.

P-A. Absil, R. Mahony, and R. Sepulchre. A generalized rayleigh quotient iteration for computing invariant subspaces. Proceedings of the 20th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, 2001.

M. Orr, B. Lithgow, and R. Mahony. Reduction of the cocktail party effect for hearing impaired patients by time-frequency signal processing. Book of abstracts, International Hearing Aid Research Conference - ICHON 2002, 2002.

R. Mahony. Visual servo control design for dynamic systems. Presented at Summer Systems and Control Workshop, University of New South Wales, February 28, 2002.

P-A. Absil, R. Mahony, R. Sepulchre, and P. Van Dooren. The Newton and Rayleigh quotient iterations on the Grassmann manifold. Book of abstracts, SIAM Annual Meeting, 2002.

P.-A. Absil, R. Mahony, and R. Sepulchre. Continuous-time subspace flows related to the symmetric eigenproblem. Technical Report FSU-CSIT-04-23, Montefiore Institute, University of Liège, Systems and Control Engineering, Bât. B28 Systèmes, Grande Traverse 10, 4000 Liège, Belgium, March 2004. [ http ]

R. Mahony, T. Hamel, and J.-M. Pflimlin. Non-linear complementary filters on the special orthogonal group. Technical Report ISRN I3S/RR-2006-36-FR, Information Signaux et Systèmes de Sophia Antipoles, Université de Nice, 2006. 41 pages. [ http ]

O. Bouquardez, R. Mahony, N. Guenard, F. Chaumette, T. Hamel, and L. Eck. Kinematic visual servo control of a quadrotor aerial vehicle. Publication interne 1858, Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systèmes Aléatoires (IRISA), Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France, July 2007. [ http ]

P.-A. Absil, R. Mahony, and R. Sepulchre. Vector transport on manifolds. ICIAM07 Abstract Book, July 2007.

P.-A. Absil, R. Mahony, and R. Sepulchre. Recent results on Riemannian optimization methods for the symmetric eigenvalue problem. Book of abstracts, IMA conference on numerical linear algebra and optimization, September 2007.

C. Lageman, J. Trumpf, and R. Mahony. Gradient-like observers for invariant dynamics on a Lie group. arXiv:0805.0828v1 [math.OC], 2008. [ http ]

R. Mahony. Analysis of the flight dynamics of aerial vehicles subject to proportional feedback of optic flow. Workshop on “Visual guidance systems for small autonomous aerial vehicles” run as part of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (2008 IROS), September 2008. Full day workshop organised by S. Viollet and F. Ruffier.

P.-A. Absil, J. Trumpf, R. Mahony, and B. Andrews. All roads lead to Newton: Feasible second-order methods for equality-constrained optimization. Technical Report UCL-INMA-2009.024, Université catholique de Louvain, Ingénierie mathématique, 2009.

F. Mufti and R. Mahony. Statistical analysis of measurement processes for time-of-flight cameras. Book of abstracts, Videometrics, Range Imaging and Applications X, August 2009.

T. Hamel, R. Mahony, and A. Tayebi. Introduction to the special issue on aerial robotics. Control Engineering Practice, 18(7), 677-678, July 2010.

Robert Mahony. Modular design of image based visual servo control for dynamic mechanical systems. In 15th International Symposium on Robotics Research (ISRR), Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. 2011. To appear as chapter in Springer STAR series.

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