James Popple: publications

Those of James Popple's publications that are available on-line are listed below. His curriculum vitae contains a list of his publications, including those that are not available on-line.

A bibliographical database of James's publications is available as a BibTeX file (and in HTML). A database of publications cited in his publications on the SHYSTER legal expert system is also available as a BibTeX file (and in HTML). The latter database is included in the Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies.

James has a Google Scholar profile.

His Erdős number is 5, via Eric McCreath (2003), Arun Sharma (1995), Andris Ambainis (1999) and Leonard J. Schulman (2003), to Paul Erdős (1994).

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Home page:  <http://www.popple.net/james/>
E-mail:  <james@popple.net>
Last modified:   2 April 2023