Robert (Bob) Edwards homepage
My College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics (CECC) Staff Page.
Courses I teach/have taught
Other Links
- My wiki, some Talks I've given, my public SVN repository
- FAIS, StReaMS, EGroupWare, ITG Wiki
- BOM Radar for Canberra area, Whitepages, TV Guide
- Crossroads, FOCUS, Dave McDonald's Blog
- Turner School, Lyneham High School, Dickson College, ACT School Boards
- CLUG, Make Hack Void, Whirlpool, The RiotACT, Computerworld
- Wikipedia, Stack Overflow, Slashdot, Freecode, Groklaw, HowtoForge, Bruce Schneier
- Instructables, Hack A Day, Tom's Hardware, HostIP, GEOBytes IP Locator
- xkcd, 1.00 FTE, some Quotes I like
Some articles I have co-written
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