Minimum Spanning Trees

Given a connected, weighted, undirected graph G(V,E), for each edge (u,v)E, there is a weight w(u,v) associated with it. The Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) problem in G is to find a spanning tree T(V,E') such that the weighted sum of the edges in T is minimized, i.e.

minimize w(T)= (u,v)E' w(u,v), where E'E

For instance, the diagram below shows a graph, G, of nine vertices and 12 weighted edges. The bold edges form the edges of the MST, T. Adding up the weights of the MST edges, we get w(T)=140.

1  Generic Algorithm for finding MSTs

The generic algorithm for finding MSTs maintains a subset A of the set of edges E. At each step, an edge u,vE is added to A if it is not already in A and its addtion to the set does not violate the condition that there may not be cycles in A. The algorithm also considers edges according to their weights in non-decreasing order. This aspect makes GENERIC-MST an example of a greedy algorithm.
 1     A  
 2    while the edges in A do not form an MST
 3                  do find an edge (u,v)E-A that has the
 .                          minimum weight and this edge, along with the
 .                          edges in A, does not form a cycle.
 4     A   A{(u,v)}
 5    return  A
Evidently, the gist of the MST algorithm is finding an edge u,vE-A that has the minimum weight and that adding this edge to A does not result in a cycle in A. To describe how this is done, the following concepts are introduced (see Figure 1):
Figure 1: Graph showing a cut. Vertices in S are shaded black. Edge crossings are indicated by bold lines. The light edge in this example has a weight of 1.
Theorem Let G(V,E) be a connected undirected weighted graph with a real-valued weight function w defined on E. Let A be a subset of E that is included in some MST for G, let (S,V-S) be any cut of G that respects A, and let (u,v) be a light edge crossing (S,V-S). Since (u,v) connects two vertices from two distinct sets S and V-S, adding (u,v) to A will not result in loops.

2  Kruskal's Algorithm

Kruskal's algorithm begins by initialising the solution to a forest of trees with only one vertex each; that is, there are no edges in this forest. Given this, the set of edges A is initialised as an empty set. To keep track of which trees vertices belong to, the algorithm makes use of disjoint-sets. Kruskal's algorithm then proceeds by considering each edge of E in order of non-decreasing weight until all vertices in V are in the same set.
 1     A  
 2    for each vertex vV
 3             do  MAKE-SET (v)
 4    Sort the edges of E by nondecreasing weight w
 5    for each edge (u,v)E in order by nondecreading weight
 6             do if  FIND-SET (u) FIND-SET (v)
 7                         then  A   A{(u,v)}
 8                                      UNION (u,v)
 9    return  A
The sorting of edges will take O(|E|log|E|) time. Next for each edge, disjoint-set functions are called. This requires O(|E|log|V|) time. Since |E| is at most |V |2 and log|V |2 =2log|V|, O(|E|log|E|)=O(|E|log|V|). The running time for Kruskal's algorithm is thus O(|E|log|V|).
One heuristic that can be used to improve Kruskal's runtime is to maintain a count of the number of edges in A. The reason for this is that a tree spanning all the vertices in V will have |V|-1 edges. Thus, if |A|=|V|-1, the algorithm can safely terminate. This heuristic will tend to be more effective the denser a graph gets.
Figure 2 illustrates the running of Kruskal's algorithm.
Figure 2: Snapshots for each step of the KRUSKAL-MST function on a graph with nine vertices and 12 edges. Edges in A are marked using bold lines. Notice that edges are considered in order of nondecreasing weights. Edges that link two vertices in the same component are ignored (Steps (e), (g), (k), and (l)). A vertex u is in the same component as v if there is a path from u to v using only the edges in A.

3  Prim's Algorithm

Prim's algorithm has the property that the edges in A always form a single tree. The tree starts at an arbitrary vertex r and grows until it covers all the vertices in V. Let S be the vertex set of T so far, at each step we try to find an edge (u,v)S×(V-S)E and the weight of the edge is the minimum one, add the edge into A and add v to S.
PRIM-MST (G,w,r)
 1     Q   V
 2    for each uQ
 3             do  key [u]  
 4     key [r]   0
 5     p[r]  NIL
 6    while  Q
 7                  do  u   EXTRACT-MIN (Q)
 8                        for each v Adj [u]
 9                                 do if  vQ and w(u,v)< key [v]
 10                                             then  p[v]   u
 11                                                          key [v]   w(u,v)
The performance of Prim's algorithm depends on how the priority queue Q is implemented.
Figure 3: Growing a MST using PRIM-MST. At step (a), the root of the MST is initialised to vertex a. At each intermediate step, the dotted-line indicates the cut dividing the vertices in the MST (shaded) and those not in the MST (not shaded). Notice that the MST is grown along light edge edges only.

4  Guan's Algorithm

Start from the original graph G, find a simple cycle in the current graph and delete the edge with the maximum weight from the cycle until the resulting graph contains no cycles. Thus, the resulting graph is an MST of G.

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