Chris McCarthy PhD

Phone: +61 (0)3 9667 7511 (at Bionics Institute)     Email: chris.mccarthy[at]

Senior Research Engineer
Computer Vision Research Group
Canberra Research Laboratory
Research Fellow (Adjunct)
Research School of Engineering,
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Australian National University
NOTE:: I am now located and employed at Swinburne University of Technology (Melbourne, Australia), in the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering. I am still a visiting researcher at NICTA.

Qualifications | Research | Publications | Videos | Past Projects

My research interests are in vision for navigation (for both robotics and human assistance), and more broadly in the development and application of computational models of biological vision.

I am a member of NICTA's Vision Processing for the Bionic Eye team, which forms part of Bionic Vision Australia (BVA); a consortium of Australian research labs and clinicians seeking to develop a retinal implant for the blind. I am working on computer vision algorithms for potential use on a visual prosthesis, and for use in other technologies to assist the visually impaired. I also retain interest in the development of bio-inspired techniques for vision-guided robot navigation and threat avoidance.


BSc(Hons) (Comp Sci) (Uni Melbourne), MEng (Vision and Robotics) (Uni Melbourne), PhD (Vision and Robotics) (ANU)

Active research areas

My primary focus in recent years has been on the application of computer vision to bionic vision, as part of Bionic Vision Australia. In particular, vision algorithms to support navigation with low resolution/dynamic-range prosthetic vision and low vision devices. I am also interested in scene understanding algorithms to support adaptive visual representations for prosthetic vision. I am also interested in bio-inspired vision algorithms for navigation; in particular, how optical quantities from optical flow (and stereo images) can be robustly computed and utilised to support autonomous robot navigation, provide better mobility assistance for the visually impaired, and contribute to our understanding of biological vision and it's role in navigation.

Prospective students

I am always interested to hear from prospective students. My research most often involves a fairly balanced mix of theory and empirical investigation - I work best with like-minded people. Sound technical programming skills are important. Experience with image processing/computer vision a big plus. People with a solid biological vision/neural modelling background are also welcome. Most importantly: evidence of high motivation to explore problems relevant to my interest areas. You don't need to be an expert, but show me that you're genuinely interested. Enthusiasm goes a long way!

If I haven't scared you away yet, then please do send me an email. After that, you can apply via the ANU. PhD entry and scholarship applications are lodged together. International students must apply before August 31st. Domestic students before October 31st.


See my Google Scholar profile for citation statistics.


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Past Projects

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Last Updated: May, 2011